In this unique role, consider yourself part of the engine that helps increase sales traffic. This will be done by tapping into past experiences, your creative efforts while also completing marketing and data entry task. You'll also help with the design and posting of marketing Ads. Your valuable ideas and suggestions will be important in obtaining these increased sales goals. Must reside locally (AZ) in order to occasionally drop by our work location in the Tempe/Phx Area. Please be comfortable and confident in speaking since we will be sharing ideas and marketing feedback. This is a part-time position (20-25 hours) max/min per week (Mon-Sat). This position could lead to more hours and opportunities if your efforts help increase sales traffic. Must be familiar and comfortable with Canva, Adobe, Microsoft office, Constant Contact, Instagram, phone-texting. This position will include sale bonuses as an incentive to generate more leads and referrals. The bonuses range from $50 to $150 per completed sale that resulted from your efforts. Please be easy to work with, friendly, open-minded, and ready to help. No Know-It-All's need to apply. Only those with a good work ethic, suggestions, and ideas that's supported by data, trends, or past experiences. This is a Independent Contractor position.