Western Semiconductor designs RISC-V CPU chips and/or software in Tempe, AZ. These chips do the heavy lifting for hearing aids, drones, HFT, robots, etc.
We are looking for wannabe electrical engineers and C programmers to apprentice with us for 20 hours per week for 6 months. The time slots are 7am-1pm and 1-7pm. The days are Mondays through Saturday.
Pick 3 days. M-W-F or Tu-Th-Sa for example. Our office is in the mddle of downtown Tempe.
We typically employ electrical engineering apprentices and self taught C programmers, most of whom were university EE students who left school early to become engineers or programmers with us. Working as apprentice is far cheaper and faster than wasting your time at universities.
Troubleshooting and simplification skills are necessary. This isn't a position for mentally lazy people. If you are good at chess, you will probably be a good circuit designer.
Prerequisite preferences:
For programmers: Linux (bash scripting), C, Python
For circuit designers: Knowledge of physics, logic cells, boolean expressions.
We have interned 100's of engineers who have received their Masters of Science degrees in Electrical Engineering. The vast majority of them are fundamentally unsound. Their bachelors degree were achieved outside of the US, and most have learned nothing. The MSEE programs, especially at ASU, only care about getting their $60K and pass the students through leave it up to companies like ours to train these "engineers" from scratch. We found that the students finishing their 2nd year of electrical engineering know more then most of the engineers in the masters degree program, especially from ASU.
Do not ask for salary until you are able to contribute towards revenue producing designs. Consider this to be a free education. You will be working on non-proprietary designs initially. Your goal is to come up to speed as soon as possible so we can put you onto customer or proprietary circuits.
We are an EDA company. Go to this link to learn about what we do:
After 20 years, we have automated analog design. The market doesn't know about us yet. We will be coming out to the market 2024-Q1. We also have digital automation, but we are not the only ones to automate digital designs.
Please include your resume in your reply. No remote working