We in immediate need of a SKILLED Home Remodeling Supervisor. You must be highly skilled with finish skills such as shower tile, floor tile, wall tile, drywall texture work, setting cabinets, etc. Also skilled at framing, carpentry, insulation, drywall hanging, etc. Plumbing and Electrical experience is a plus.
Our expectation for all of our onsite remodeling supervisors are as follows: We work in 2 man crews. 1 skilled supervisor and 1 laborer. This position requires multiple skills such as organizational, time management, multi tasking, the ability to lead and inspire, the ability to teach, all while doing the work each day with the help of your laborer. You will be required to have your own tools to perform the work mentioned above.
You must possess and value the following traits: Punctuality, a great work ethic, respect for authority, high character, a desire to teach, be well spoken, and a desire to show up to work every day. While in people's homes we must speak and treat them and there homes with care and respect.
This position is a salary position. It does come with the following benefits. 2 weeks vacation, major holidays off and paid (6-7 days per yr), sick pay (3 days), and either a company vehicle or we will pay for your gas and oil changes for your personal vehicle.
Please reply to this add with either a resume, or a detailed list of your experience. Also include your work history (including dates), and at least 2 references from a former employer.
We are looking for a W2 employee, not a 1099 subcontractor.
We offer competitive pay.