Personal Helper openings working in home and office for a Wheelchair person with High Energy. Will be able to lift 32 pounds 10 times a day. Hours are 8:30 am to 4:30 pm or 9 am to 5 pm. 3 days a week. (Many shifts are open and backup shifts as opens as well.
Must have experience working with wheelchair people.
Hours open: 8 am to between 5 pm, 8 hrs a day. Mondays through Saturday Part-time (max hours a person can work is 10 hrs a day 30 hrs a week.). Multiple opening available.
1. Do chores and errands.
2. Drive to appointments and go shopping with clients
3. Do cleaning (wash and polish floors) at my home as well as organizing at both locations.
4. Assist with range of motion and actively assist workout with equipment in gym and pool as needed.
Resume is required to apply, with references.
Please read below:
Cats on side.
Must have valid driver license for this job and able to lift 30 pound wheelchair 10 times a day
Conducting paid working interview now.
Interviewing Now. Call 860 729 7073
Will be able to lift 30 pounds Wheelchair 10 times a day.
Must have valid Driver license.
This is a State Paying Job. Paychecks are weekly.
Great job for College Students and physically active people with High Energy.
Must have Reliable Transportation to work and a valid driver license.
Background Checks will be done on Candidates when being hired.
Cats on site