Looking for a PERSONAL ASSISTANT part time to help me gradually pack up and organize my large beautiful house in North Stonington post divorce.
Job includes shredding, filing, packing, helping to organize and declutter house, disposals, runs to library, book drop offs, selling items on FB Marketplace, runs to transfer station, thrift stores and driving me occasionally to local appts ( I am partially disabled) with pelvic neuropathy so very painful to sit and very occasional pup sitting if possible.
I am a successful entrepreneur: USA and international psychological trauma expert.
I am intelligent, thoughtful, sensitive, empathic and deeply kind.
Partially disabled woman looking for a driver who is mature, emotionally stable and friendly with a tuned up reliable vehicle to transport her to her beautiful upscale 4 season small Vermont lake cottage for a weekend Friday-Sunday to retrieve the rest of her belongings (not too much) post divorce. It is 3 hours north near Okemo mountain.
Need to get up there soon.
You must have an excellent driving record and be drug free.
You will have your own floor upstairs with california king bed with toppers and bathroom as well as use of the gourmet kitchen and rest of cottage.
May need minimal help with packing small items and keeping fire going. If you are good with using a small hand drill, this is a plus.
Pay to be negotiated in cash.
You must be emotionally stable and physically strong and able bodied, very committed and reliable, competent, caring and compassionate, with some flexibility in availability including some weekends.
You must be able to provide me with excellent professional references NOT refs from friends and family only.
You must have a car and license and be drug free.
Cash happily paid hourly to the right fit applicant”