I'm in the process of researching cases reversed by the Florida District Court Of Appeal (PBC). Along the way it became likely Judge Miller would be considered controversial by some people. Early on and while researching her percentage of cases reversed, her reversals seem high compared to other judges on the bench over a similar time frame. I'll know soon and plan to prepare a video which I will upload to YouTube explaining the numbers.
If you have first hand knowledge of any behavior considered unprofessional, such as being rude during a trial, biased or unprofessional in any other way please contact me.
Citizens should be allowed to have an objective, professional judge preside over their case. If a judge is reversed more than other judges in the same county the public needs to be aware of it.
Any information will be held in strict confidence. If you're an attorney, I'd advise you to stay anonymous. Please just email the information and I'll go from there. Thank you.