My name is Julian. I run a small painting company. I am looking for a reliable and experienced painter to work with. We do mostly residential, interior, and exterior painting and some pressure washing. Applicants should have experience in various painting techniques, like trimming, rolling and spraying. The starting pay will be between $160 and $180 daily, depending on experience. You must have ss# or tax ID to apply.
Me llamo Julian. Tengo una compania de pintura y estoy buscando una persona, responsable y con experiencia para trabajar. El trabajo consiste principalmente en pintura residencial, de interior y exterior, y a veces limpieza de presion. Aplicantes deben tener experiencia con tecnicas de pintura como; pintar con rolo, brocha y maquina de spray. El sueldo para empezar sera entre $160 y $180 al dia, dependiendo en experiencia. Para aplicar debe tener ss# o tax ID.