I am in need of a good person. I am an extremely busy business in Atlanta and I need to add a person to my team. This is a contract courier position. Your car, gas, insurance, and maintenance. I require a very reliable car and, of course, good fuel efficiency is in your best interest. You need absolutely zero experience in this field. I am looking for the person, not the experience. The person I add must be a team player. If you are a clubhouse cancer, have a shitty attitude, cry like a baby, and complain all the time, please do not apply. I will sniff you out, and you won’t be hired anyway, so let’s not waste anyone’s time. I need a team player, who works well with others, and does not need someone over them constantly. I need someone that goes out, gets the job done, and goes home. Just like most jobs, this job is good some days and bad others. Our motto is, IT IS WHAT IT IS. You have to be able to live by that motto, no questions asked. I don't pay per delivery, per hour, or per mile. I pay per day, based on a 10 hour day. Sometimes you work 8 hours, sometimes you work 12. IT IS WHAT IT IS. I have a group of 23 drivers. 80% of them have been hired from Craigslist. All of my drivers have been with me for years and most have been with me from inception. I have very little turnover. This is a real contract job that offers great compensation.for the right person. This is what I need. I need your story. I don't need a resume. I need your story. Tell me about yourself, your life, your strengths, and your weaknesses. Anything you think I would need to make a decision as to what kind of person you are. Please do not just send a resume. I will look at one if you have one, but if it is not accompanied by your story, I will not even read it. If you have had a little trouble in the past, tell me about it. I will do a drug test, extremely thorough background check, and an MVR report. If there is something I need to know, just tell me. It will not automatically disqualify you from consideration. I think we have all made mistakes. However, personal character is the most important thing for any applicants. This position is a five day work week, weekends are a definite, and nights are possible. I am looking to put someone on IMMEADIATELY. I will get about 50 responses for this ad, as I only post one every 5 years. I will get that down to about 10 people that I will do telephone interviews with. I will answer all your questions about this position then. From that 10, I will probably hire two applicants. That's it. Pretty simple. Thanks for reading my ad and I am sure there a couple great people out there looking for a real job that pays over market. One final note, again, this is for real and is a real opportunity for the right person.