Looking for 1 person who has the following skills:
- Dementia care experience
- CPR and first aid. Other medical training is preferred (CNP, NA, etc)
- Basic housecleaning and cooking skills
- No drugs, smoking, or pets
- Proof of bonded or insured as home health care (easy to acquire from most insurance companies)
- Clean driving record
- Clean, gentle, organized
- Speaks English, can communicate clearly
- minimum 2 references for health or home care
- understands how dementia patients need to be prompted but not pushed, how to empower thru patience rather than doing everything for them ( the more you do for them, the less they can do)
10k a month
Private room for 1 person
Food for 1 person
All utilities
Use of home and pool
Use of vehicle
- Live-in Companion care for early stage dementia patient who is continent, mobile with rollator, non aggressive, quiet.
- Basic cooking (2-3 simple meals a day of soup, meat n veg, eggs n toast, fruit n cereal, etc)
- Basic housekeeping (vacuum, dust, dishes, laundry, etc)
-Give meds, keep a basic daily vitals journal
- Transport to appts, pick up meds, shopping
- light hygiene duties (med and toothbrushing reminders, occasional help dressing or drying off.)
- client will have medical pendant so they can buzz if off property
- daily walks (.25 miles) or time spent hanging on lanai.
Hospice workers visit several times a week for hygiene, counseling, case worker, as well as a pool cleaner and gardener. She has visitors several times a week, that occasionally take her out for meals and afternoons.
Why am I posting here? I'd prefer to pay You then some bullshit company that steals 1/3 or more of your pay to line their C-suite pockets for no discernable benefits for either client or employee. Keeping it Local.