Our first scheduled 2025 Electric Conducted Weapons (ECW) Class will be held on Saturday February 15, 2025 at 9:00 a.m., at the St. Francis Healthcare Liliha campus. ECW weapons involve the legal possession, use and purchase of tasers and stun guns as protective devices and have been legal in the State of Hawaii since January 1, 2022.
With our firm's certified instructors who have over 70 years of law enforcement and security industry experience, 350+ students have received valuable training and education with the proper use of ECW's since 2022. Our training is so much more than learning about how to use ECW's.
Students gain crucial knowledge about private citizen's use of force principles; situational awareness of current conditions in the environment; defensive positioning and disengagement; understanding conflict and how to avoid them; and how to truly deal with the aftermath of a legal use of force situation. Many of our students are firearm owners and have benefited from taking our classes to truly understand how State of Hawaii use of force laws may apply to their use of a firearm for self protection and the protection of others.
If you are interested in attending this class, contact our firm at (808) 722-4354 or email ehoward@paxbello.com so you can be added to our first 2025 class. Specific information including class cost will be provided upon communication engagement. Seats are limited.