Security at The Country Club is responsible for checking in guests for the pool, regularly patrolling the property to ensure guest safety, maintaining orderliness of the property, and ensuring our guests have the best experience possible while following the rules of The Country Club.
Checking guests in: Checking ID’s; ensuring guests have signed in; ensuring guests have paid for their admission to the pool; checking guests bags for glass, outside food or drink, illegal substances, weapons.
This will also include maintaining the safety of the bar area, as well as helping with crowd control on busy shifts.
Regularly patrolling the property: Each security guard will perform “rounds” by checking the front of the property, sauna, changing area, restrooms, perimeter entrances. This is to check for guest safety, and the protection of equipment and property of The Country Club.
Maintaining orderliness: The Security position is not janitorial in any way. However, the Security Guards on duty are responsible for helping management keep the property tidy and clean during hours of operation. This includes: emptying ashtrays, picking up plastic cups, cans, straws, etc., as well as straightening chairs and depositing towels in the correct bins.
Enforcing the rules of The Club: Security will maintain crowd control during busy periods, watch for inebriated guests who may cause problems, and enforce the rules of The Club (no jumping in the pool, no rough housing, no running, no violence, no glass outside, etc.). Security will also assist management with the removal of unwanted guests (i.e. anyone who management feels has violated the rules or is a risk to themselves, other guests, employees, or The Club itself).
No drinking is allowed while on duty at The Country Club
The Country Club has a wonderful atmosphere and is a fun place to work. The staff and guests are easy going and always looking to have a good time. We are interested in adding someone to our team who has a friendly disposition (as you will be interacting with guests a lot), strong work ethic, and a team oriented attitude.
This is a seasonal position.