Now Casting Actress 18-35 - $150 per day for two days
The Actor Film Ensemble, Inc. Is now casting the final role in our movie “Misandrist”. This is the role of Annalisa. She is one of the Misandrist who has been sent out to find, torture, and kill a man deemed a threat to women. Must be comfortable with a film that has all the typical elements of a horror movie. Meals, and copy provided.
- Any race
- Age 18-35
- Must be able to shoot Saturday and Sunday, March 29 and 30 from 8 AM to 6 PM
- Active, girl next door type, moderately attractive (not looking for model type)
- Must be able to handle a choreographed fight scene but you do not need fight training
- You must have a car or be able to reach the shoot location in southwest Las Vegas
Will be sent to festival, submitted for IMDB credit and a full marketing plan will be designed for the film.
To Submit go to: