Want to make some extra cash this month? We are renting out our cars to qualified drivers.
Must be 21+, have a driver's license, pass a background check, and pass random drug tests. You also must be a nice person when interacting with customers. Higher rated drives get higher quality rides and more tips, so you get paid to be nice!
We give you a car for $1/mile and help you sign up and register for Uber/Lyft. Many of the folks that work with us are making $2-3/mile by driving Uber during surge times and completing Lyft streaks when things are slower on Uber.
You drive as much or as little as you want, but you will be charged for a minimum of 1,500 miles per week. Many of the folks (like you) that we work with decide to share this responsibility with a couple friends, family members, or roommates. Meaning, you take one car and split up the week into shifts so that the car is always on the road. Most are able to drive 175 miles in 8 hours (so, think about splitting the week into at least 9 shifts to avoid getting charged for miles you did not even use).
We currently only have 5 cars remaining this side gig is only available while supplies last.
Apply here: https://xn64bijqqbf.typeform.com/to/KucypzIl