Crypto Currency trading for new traders (we teach AI trading)

Crypto Currency trading for new traders (we teach AI trading)

03 Dec 2025
New York, New york city 00000 New york city USA

Crypto Currency trading for new traders (we teach AI trading)

Vacancy expired!

If you are looking for a job for someone to take on a brand new trader and teach them how to trade crypto, you are not going to find it. As someone who hires trader, there are simply too many applicants who are "willing to learn," which means they expect you to put up money while they learn to trade. Many people with "crypto experience" simply bought crypto, it went up a lot, and they made money. Many traders come from different markets, but are no longer profitable trading that market which is why they are looking to trade crypto.

If you want a job, you need a track record or experience. But to get experience, you need a track record. We can help.

We have a program for trading new traders. We train, coach and help them get jobs at proprietary firms trading firm capital.

Our secret is AI. Soon, all traders will be using it, but right now, only the cutting edge trades use machine learning to trade. We use AI Training tools to help new traders learn how to trade. We program a GPT for you that will act as

An instructor - teach you terminology, basic concepts, and strategies

Analyst - analyze markets performing fundamental and technical analysis

Strategy creator - create a trading strategy for different types of traders

Backtester- test strategies against historical data

Trader- Creates target price, stop loss, and take profit for a market. Can be programmed to trade automatically

Signaler -Strategy can be incorporated into most charting platforms to automatically signal your entries and exits

Risk manager- watches your positions and calculates risk

Trade analyzer - analyze your trades to optimize entries, stop loss, and profits

This is not a trading bot that implements one strategy. It is a custom GPT, tailored to your individual profile, risk profile and trading style.

Once you learn how to use this GPT, you will be able to trade any crypto market. Successful traders will be invited to apply for a trading position. We can also help you generate trade logs if you are looking for positions at a hedge fund or another proprietary firm.

You do not need any crypto knowledge, programming knowledge or trading knowledge to apply. If you do have experience either, you are welcome to apply as well. But this is designed for beginners or relatively novice traders.

If you would like to know more, please reply and put "crypto AI" in the title

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