Seeking male LMSW for p/t remote work with creatives.
The ideal candidate:
- is professional
- is interested in being part of a team and further developing their clinical skills and is interested in feedback
- is a professional musician or has professional experience in a creative field, and is deeply connected with music, film and the arts.
- has a working knowledge of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and the ability to integrate the hexaflex in sessions with clients.
- has interest and some basic understanding of classic psychoanalytic theory, and has been exposed to the writings of Kohut, Klein, Winnicott, Fairbairn, Sullivan, Fromm, Mahler, Mitchell and others.
- has a personal spiritual orientation – relates to words like 'energy' and 'faith'
- has strong analytical skills, verbal skills, and problem solving skills, is highly intuitive and has a healing orientation.
- has a reasonable level of organizational skill and planning ability
To apply please submit a short cover letter and resume.