Looking for two handyman to execute workbench and workstand assembly.
A total of 10+ items are to be assembled. Each person hired must have their
own assembly tools (manual and power).
Individual coming from areas 20 miles outside of Danville, VA
up to 75 miles will have thier one-way mileage reimbused at the
rate of $0.70 per mile. Your drivers license determines distance
from Danville, VA.
Work date is Saturday 23 March 2025 starting at 9:30am (EST).
Work end time is no later than 6:30pm the same day.
All 10+ items must be fully assembled in the allotted time frame that day.
(1-hour unpaid lunch break between 2:30pm-to-3:30pm)
Below are the items to be assembled and order of execution.
Assembly Task-A: (2-itmes)
Shop Fox D2275 - Tool Stand
Website link with item description and assembly instructions:
Assembly Task-B: (2-items)
Grizzly T27650 - Planer Stand for G0815
Website link with item description and assembly instructions:
Assembly Task-C: (1-item)
Husky 52 in. W x 24 in. D 2-Drawer Adjustable Height White Workbench Table with Solid Wood Top
Website link with item description and assembly instructions:
Assembly Task-D: (1-item)
COMPASS RT-S Router Table Stand
Website link with item description and assembly instructions:
Assembly Task-E: (4-items)
Speaker floor model stands, TV floor model stands, other pre-package items as directed
Please contact Walter C. Washington via cell phone number (619) 218-0531 or (415) 378-7949.
Call/text between 12:00noon (EST) and 11:00pm (EST) on any day before 23 March 2025.
If you call or text, please leave your complete legal first name, last name, email address, and call back number.
Thank You,
Walter C. Washington