Are you changing with it?
In case you’re unaware, 3.8 million Americans lost their jobs over the last 3-4 years. With AI's rapid machine learning ability, it is predicted that 380 million people worldwide will lose their jobs to robots and AI advancements over the next six to ten years.
Let’s face it: unless you live in a cave, you’ve seen huge, well-known Anchor chain stores and franchises disappear in the last few years alone. Homeless people living in tents occupy massive areas of just about every major city in America.
HELLO! That is evidence and a HUGE wake-up call for everyone looking for a job on Craigslist! So, what are your options? Honestly, you realistically have only a few viable options. 1) Hit the lottery. Good luck with that one. 2) Start a side hustle and save, save, save. 3) Learn and develop a new skill to generate an independent income stream. 4) Grab an opportunity offering a life-changing technology where you can develop your customer base that generates income for you every time your customer purchases. Will it take time to develop such a financially stabilizing cash flow? Yes, of course, but if you’re willing to work hard to develop the new skills you need, you will be one of the people left standing while others struggle to survive.
Think about it. You know the world, as you knew it, is going sideways. What other options do you have? Putting your head in the sand and finding another job is the same as doing nothing… You will most certainly be one of the casualties of this technological revolution you’re witnessing and know is coming. I made the choice nine years ago to independently market a health technology that is shaking up the entire healthcare industry. While it took time to build initially, my family and I are now set to weather any financial storm the world can throw at us.
If you’re serious about not being a casualty of the coming technological revolution, are willing to work hard in your spare time, and are open to letting me keep you accountable to your objectives, I can help you succeed. I’ve already blazed the pathway to success and know precisely what you must do to reach your end game.
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