St Laurent Land & Cattle Co., Eagle Point, Oregon
Irrigator / Ranch Hand
Established in 1985, St. Laurent Land & Cattle Co. raises cattle and grapes on its 1,400-acre ranch. We are looking for a full-time, year-round irrigator and ranch hand to help on this beautiful ranch in Rogue Valley, Oregon.
Job requirements:
Irrigation: Flood, drip, and K-line Pods. 7 days a week during irrigation season. Experience is preferred but we can train on the job.
Cattle: Experience is a plus but will train the right person.
Equipment: must be able to ride 4-wheelers; any additional skills on mowers, tractors, excavators, and skid steers is helpful but not a job requirement.
Any skills in building fence, machine Maintenance and or welding are also helpful.
Salary starting at $32,000 plus up to a $5,000 bonus based on attaining annual financial goals of the ranch, plus: Nice 2-bedroom, single-family home on the ranch, with all electricity, water, sewer, garbage included as well as company truck for work (must have clean license to use company truck), beef, and 1 week paid vacation after first year during approved off-season time usually November-January.
Must be able to pass a background check.
Please call Catherine at 360-260-9145 for questions.