Holy Redeemer Catholic School is a strong community serving preschool through eighth-grade students. We embrace diversity as a hallmark of our school and remain committed to making every effort to provide a Catholic education to every family that desires one.
We are seeking a pianist to accompany upper elementary and middle school choirs at practices.
Duties and responsibilities: accompany choirs at practice, under the direction of the choir director. Attend practices on most Mondays from 3:20 to 4:20 PM and Wednesdays from 2:20 to 3:20.
Brief training and background check required time compensated
The position may expand to being the accompanist at concerts and some Masses.
How to apply: Please send a cover letter and resumé to Philippe Kreiter, Director of Campus Ministry, Holy Redeemer Catholic School, 127 N. Rosa Parks Way. Portland, OR 97212.
You may choose to send your letter and resumé via Craig's List
Please include experience, reference, description of piano education, and competence. Successful candidates will be contacted for an interview/audition.
Stipend information will be provided during the interview process, or contact Philippe Kreiter via Craig's List or call 503-283-5197