Construction office seeking office assistant and train for work in the field as well. Part time position, but can easily grow into a full time job for the right person. Office located close in by the Hawthorne Bridge.
Local and well established General Contractor in need of office assistant. Initial work revolves around filing, learning the terminology, working on Mac computers, and keeping office operations moving. Ability to answer phones, talk with clients, email and schedule subcontractors, track down materials, find specific products for special projects, work along side the business owner are what this job is all about. Intense learning experience for the right person.
We stay busy year round, all types of projects, most stay very close to downtown Portland. Decades of exposure in the market has granted us a very loyal following that keeps us going full speed ahead.
Position is for office assistant. Mac knowledge, Microsoft experience, Outlook knowledge, good over the phone voice and positive attitude is a good start for this exceptional opportunity.
Work is part time, starting immediately with most work performed Monday through Friday. Applicants need to be dependable, on time to work everyday, good communicators and have verifiable work experience via the provided resume.
Full time employees are eligible for benefits package which includes medical and dental after probationary period. The ability to read plans, have basic Mac computer skills are good pluses for the positions.
Owner is a well known Master Carpenter, trained countless carpenters over the years and will provide an exceptional learning experience for those brought on board. A positive learning experience for the office personal as well.
Applicants should provide resume and date of availability if selected for hire. Office staff will review resume's, provide follow up phone calls and possible next step interviews in person.
If you are a good self starter, timely to the work schedule, and interested in honing and advancing whatever skills you already have, you might be a good fit. We are hiring immediately for the right personal. Equal opportunity employer.