Established Locally Owned Family Residential HVAC Service Company Hiring Now.
HVAC Residential Salesperson Position for a supportive highly rated company, awesome team of installers and service techs and management.
Competitive compensation, dental, vision, 100% paid medical, life insurance, retirement, commission, spiffs and bonuses. Company vehicle, tablet and smart phone.
We are an established residential and light commercial HVAC Company looking for a residential HVAC Salesperson
It is a great opportunity for a positive self-motivated person with customer service skills to join our Supportive Family.
Honesty and reliability are a must.
Great time management and problem-solving skills along with great customer service skills and a strong work-ethic.
We service the greater Portland Area.
We have an immediate opening for an experienced HVAC Residential Salesperson
We do installations in existing homes and light commercial.
Should be very comfortable with utilizing an iPad in every aspect of your day-to-day work.
Must have excellent communication skills, excellent customer service skills and be customer service oriented.
Be willing to learn more through experience and training.
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