Looking for another experienced hair stylist with barbering skills work to Wed-Sun in a elegance independent living facility. Ideal candidate would provide, perms, color services beard trims, pixie cuts, waxing. Waxing isn't required, but would be very helpful.
Rent is $300/month and includes:
Built in clientele
Access to salon Wed-Sun 9:00-6:30
Your own chair & storage space
free lunches
Ability to see your own clients around residents
You must provide:
All licenses before you start, Beauty insurance
backbar, tools, barbicide, color product,etc
point of sale (square) & accept checks/cash.
In-house prices are set, however, what you charge your outside client is up to you. You must give priority to residents who generally book between the hours of 10-3pm. A basic understanding of senior care is beneficial. Patience and empathy are a must for this position. If you have any questions please call liz 503-536-5193, to set up a phone interview. Thank you!