Title: Part-Time Wireman Needed – Install Cameras & Alarm Systems (Easton/Allentown/Bethlehem)
We are seeking a part-time wireman to assist with installing security cameras and alarm systems in the Easton, Allentown, and Bethlehem areas.
Job Details:
Install and run wiring for security cameras and alarm systems
Ensure proper setup, connectivity, and functionality of installed systems
Troubleshoot and resolve basic wiring issues
Work at various residential and commercial locations
Experience with low-voltage wiring, security camera, or alarm system installation preferred
Ability to work independently and problem-solve on-site
Must have basic tools and reliable transportation
Strong attention to detail and a professional attitude
Flexible schedule (part-time, as needed)
If interested, please reply with your experience, availability, and contact information.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Contact: Oscar Puri