If you have ever dreamed about owning your own business you can do it. IF you have $35,000 to invest you may have a unique opportunity. Willing to do a 0% 3 year financing of a Tastykake route in Enola PA. Part of the $35,000 will be used to purchase my truck. There will be a balloon payment at the end of the 3 year period. You will make payments to me each month.
Please do NOT inquire unless you can say yes to the following questions. Do you live near Enola? Do you have $35,000 to invest? Can you commit to being able to drive a truck and service around 15-20 stores each week? Do you have flexibility?
This is a real business and I don't have time to waste on "tire kickers". Please be serious. This route is selling for $137,900, It does $8066 dollars each week and pays 18% commission Thanks