We operate a colon hydrotherapy center at the same location for the past 16 years. We are looking to partner with other cross functional therapies to include in our bucket of services. You'd be operating your own business within our business for a seamless operation of services to our clients. You market your business to our location, and we market our business to our location, and its a win win to our clients and to our bottom line. If you already have a book of clients then thats super fantastic because we also have an established book of clients. If you are new to your business and just starting to attract new clients, you of course can solicit our existing list of clients too. Your business/talents can be anything consistent with natural health and wellness and beauty to include but not limited to: chiropractic services, massage services, IV Nutritional Drips, dermatology, facials, nails, brows, lashes, teeth, natural-path, functional medicine, hair styling, body contouring, chelation therapy, physical fitness, plastic surgery, etc, etc. If interested at all, even just remotely, please reach out to me at cheryl@infinityhealthwellness.com initially. We can always make contact via phone after communicating via email.