Local business owner looking for an assistant part time between 2-5 pm week days, to help ease the burden of too much work.
Duties will include some helping to organize and simplify, keeping owners schedule, secretarial work invoicing and light collections/phone calls, as well as various odds and ends. Compliance reporting, helping to put together packages for samples and mailings, running errands bank and post office, shopping, picking up checks from tenets and etc.
Owner has been an entrepreneur for over 20 years and has holdings in real estate, is on numerous boards, chairs several non profits and is the founder and CEO of a global spirits importing company doing business in over 20 countries. Website below.
Applicant needs to have a car and availability between 2 pm and 5 pm, about 15-20 hours a week. Pay will be $16.00 hour starting. This is an entry-level part-time position. There can be other opportunities to make extra income within the businesses.
Looking for somebody well organized extremely detail oriented and responsible. Applicant should somewhat enjoy dealing with people and have some light computer skills. Degree is not important. Please respond and let me know why you would be good for this position.
If you feel this is a good fit for you, please let me know why in your response and send some work or other experiences.