help needed in the concession department of the "X TOUR" monster truck show this Saturday, march 15th at the Kingsport speedway located at 2961 N John B Dennis Hwy, Kingsport, TN 37660 . we have two shows at 1:30 & 7:30 and we pay $75 dollars per show, so $150 per person for the day, cash(paid at the end of the day on Saturday) no food experience is needed but it will be busy so you need to be fast paced, responsibilities are easy, pour a lemonade, make a snow cone, put popcorn in a bucket, cheese on nachos. food and drink we offer for free for workers. doors for the first show open at 11:30 so need you here by 10:30. if the post is still up we're still hiring! text me(josh) and I'll give you a call, thanks also, we may need help setting up on friday afternoon, $10/ an hour, if interested lmk(we will pay in full on saturday after the show)