Now hiring full and part time help at an established dog daycare and boarding facility. We are close to downtown Dallas, but don't let driving in heavy traffic scare you away - your day can be scheduled to avoid "rush" hour traffic. We also have easy access to public transportation - bus, light rail and ride shares.
Send an email with a brief introduction of yourself and describe what familiarity you have had with dogs in your life.
We offer "Best In Show" benefits including :
PAID vacation and sick time
Holiday pay time and half
FREE 24 hr telehealth
Health Care Reimbursement $225.00 per month ($2700/year)
FREE Vision & Dental insurance
FREE boarding and daycare services for your personal pets. (Must pass temperament test and comply with all standard medical requirements)
Discounted grooming services
You must be comfortable working outdoors and must be able to lift 50lbs.
Prior experience is not required, but welcomed and compensated.
You will have dog handling and safety lessons and an opportunity to get instructor certified.
Must be willing to work. This is a good ol fashion work-your-a#-off cleaning and caring for dogs kind of J O B.
Please don’t apply if you don’t have pride in your work ethic.
Pay for our Play Specialist position ranges from $11 up to $16 per hr. Starting rate is determined by a candidate's dog handling skills. Raises are determined by team attitude and commitment to the importance of daycare responsibilities. Merit raises and frequent job performance reviews will keep you informed of your personal job performance and pay rate raises.
MUST enjoy being around dogs, have patience and follow instructions both verbally and written.
Duties include kennel cleaning, facility cleaning, dog equipment cleaning, feeding, walking and continuously picking up poop.
If you have an interest in starting a career in the dog industry, this is the right place for you. If you already know you want a career in the dog industry, then this is the most successful place for you to be appreciated by dogs and customers.
Shifts are available between our working hours of 6:30am-9:00pm. Some set schedules are 6:30am-2:00pm. 10:00am-6:00pm. 1:00pm-9:00pm. Part-time and Students are most welcomed and can be accommodated with flexible hours.
Again, send an email with a brief introduction of yourself and describe what familiarity you have had with dogs in your life. Come work with us!