NEEDEDAmbitious Tech savvy part-time partner to earn 20% of net profit over first six months work by contributing only spare timealso receive a $200/MTH stipend. And then be a fulltime partner if we both wish. Earn your way into the real estate commercial investment business.
Reply with verifiable work and education, north Texas city of residence and contact information. This will be an ongoing income producing company for the seeable future. This is a classic "earn your way to the top" story; but with basic pay until we surpass breakeven. Contact me for additional details and to schedule a face to face review to understand the total process and probabilities. I got my first big break by working for free until I could prove my sincerity and worth. Once as a construction superintendent and once as a yacht broker. I also spent 20 years as a TX REALTOR.
Full operational structure, with all specialized programs is in place, only needing basic data gathered and processed to complete the engagement of business and then to maintain the prime data in an existing CRM. This could be life changing for you and your future. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.