Only experienced yard dog driver please apply for this position, good part time job for retired driver, three hours a day Monday thru Saturday, living close to the Carrollton area is a plus, text or call 817-996-5857, business hours only please
Key words;
trailers , trailer , flatbed , flat bed , stepdeck , step deck , dropdeck , drop deck , caja body bodies cama bed volteo dump truck reefer , dump trailer , end dump , enddump , bellydump , belly dump , trucks , lowboy , dump truck , tractor truck , 18 wheeler , big rig , kenworth , kw , t660 , t680 t700 t600 , t800 , t880 t2000 , w900 , w990 w900l ,t660 , t300 , oilfield , international , prostar lonestar 9200 , 9200i , 9400i, 9400 , 9900 , 9900i , 4300 , volvo ,vnl630 ,vnl660 , vnl670 , vnl780 , vnl730 , freightliner , fld112 , fld120 , fld132 , fld132xl , cl120 , flc120 , columbia , century , coronado , cascadia evolution classic , classicxl , condo , peterbilt , 379 , 378 , 387 , 377 , 386 388 389 348 , mack , cx613 , ch613 , vision , midroof , flattop , utility , doonan , great dane , wabash , transcraft , lufkin , kailen , kaylen , fontaine , Dorsey, truck finance , financing , camion financiamiento , credito super ten dump truck tag axle striker