Looking for motivated workers for Stone Countertop Fabrication.
Se solicitan trabajadores motivados para la Fabricacion de Tapas De Piedra.
Salary/ Salario
From $12.50 an hour with no experience/ $12.50 la hora sin experiencia
Salary Negotiable with experience/ Salario negociable dependiendo de experencia
Job Type/ Tipo de Trabajo
Full Time
8 Hour Shifts
Language/ Lenguaje
Spanish (Required)
English (Prefered, not Required)
Qualifications/ Requerimientos
US work authorization (Required)
Construction: 1 year (Preferred, not Required)
Driver's License (Preferred, not Required)
Schedule/ Horario
Monday to Friday
7:00AM - 3:30PM
Description/ Descripción
Fabrication will take place in west side, near Mesa and I-10
Will work with hand tools (Wet Saws, Tape Measures, Grinders, etc.)
Must be able to follow instruction, communicate and stay on task throughout the day
Must be able to crawl, climb, walk, bend, stoop, twist, pull, push, lift more than 50 lbs., stand for long periods of time
La fabricacion llevara acabo en el west side por Mesa y I-10.
Trabajará con herramientas manuales (Sierras, Cintas de Medir, Esmeriles, etc.)
Debe ser capaz de seguir instrucciones, comunicarse y concentrarse en la tarea durante todo el día.
Debe ser capaz de gatear, trepar, caminar, doblarse, agacharse, torcerse, empujar, levantar más de 50 libras, estar de pie por largos períodos de tiempo
If interested or have any questions, please call (915) 226-5067.
Si tiene alguna pregunta o está interesado marque al (915) 226-5067.