Shop hand wanted to help build & install cabinets & countertops, sweep, clean, etc. Experience with hand tools and the ability to read a tape measure are required skills. I can teach the remaining skill sets.
Must have reliable transportation, be able to move heavy objects, have a good attitude, be honest, and dependable. Face and neck tattoos are too scary for my clients. Resume encouraged, but not required. Anyone with plastic laminate or solid surface experience, please mention your abilities.
As you know, this site is full of scammers. I'm not a scammer. To prove you are really serious about this job, I want you to email me through Craigslist.
Include in your email:
1. Your name
2. Phone number
3. When can you start
4. Your construction experience
5. Any other information that would help you outshine other applicants
6. Your resume, if available.
7. Any questions or conditions of your employment
I will read emails daily and will respond to applicants that I deem the best fit. If I don't respond, don't pester me.
We work 9am to 5pm
Monday through Friday
Paid weekly on Thursdays.