hope this email finds you feeling healthy, happy and terrific! i have a part time position for anyone willing to learn how to care for an elderly lady as you will be helping my sister and myself care for our mother 4 days out of a week, tuesday, wednesday, friday and saturday's from 8-11am, roughly 15 hours per week, unless we have you working 4 or 5 hours during any one of those days.
mom is in a wheelchair, so this job includes getting her dressed and using a holyer lift to lift her from the bed into the wheelchair and then you will be making her breakfast, lunch or giving her medications already set aside.
i don't mind teaching you if you can pass a background check and have credible references where you've worked as this is my mother
only apply if you are trusthworthy, DEPENDABLE and respect the elderly. mother lives off 410 and marbach road area not far from lackland afb.
you will be washing her clothes, cleaning her room and restroom and doing light housekeeping during those hours.
i pay well and if you are interested, contact me by email or call me at 2102182650.
may the good Lord release the anointing in your lives today.amen