Free GAF Roofing Academy Training in Cibolo TX near San Antonio - to register go to:
You can also scan the QR code in images to register.
If you are ready to start a career that can change your life, then sign up for this training and see what roofing has to offer.
Program Details:
-Training is February 4th, 5th, & 6th from 8am to 3:30pm
-This program will focus on teaching the basics of low slope (Flat) roofing.
-The graduates of the class will have the knowledge and skills to enter into the commercial
roofing industry.
-Graduates will receive a certificate of completion as a GAF Roofing Academy Graduate.
-Upon Completion, graduates will have the opportunity to interview with our certified
contractors and employers in the area for full-time employment.
-Transportation to and from training facility is the responsibility of the attendee.
-Light breakfast and lunch provided each day.