Hey! We're hiring! We would love to have you join our production support team. The position involves helping us fill our chocolate melters, operating our dish washer, and other duties as they come up. On-the-job training provided. Great job for a student who can lift 50 lbs. or anyone looking for after school / evening hours.
The work schedule for this position is Monday thru Friday: 4-8 pm or 5-8 pm or 6-8 pm. We offer flexible scheduling, so if you can't make it every day, but could work 3 or 4 days, let us know. Weekends are not required. If you have a question, feel free to call.
To apply, please pick up an application in our retail store or apply on-line at VandeWallesCandies.com/application.
Vande Walle's Candies
400 Mall Drive
Appleton, WI 54913
(We are located just south of the Fox River Mall on Mall Drive)