On Saturday, 12/14/24, we will be holding a focus group for jury verdict research in Auburn, CA. The pay is $75.00 for just three hours of your time. Registration starts at 8:30 a.m. Anyone arriving between 8:30 and 8:45 will receive an “on-time bonus” of $25.00. We will provide you with refreshments and lunch. All backgrounds are encouraged to apply. More details will be emailed to you if you are chosen. To apply, you must complete the following questions in full. We will contact participants by Saturday, 11/30/24, to advise if chosen.
All applications are strictly confidential. We do not sell your information.
Selected applicants will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement.
Applications without complete answers will not be considered.
EMAIL RESPONSES TO: goldcountryfocusgroups@gmail.com
Full name:
Cell phone:
Email address:
How do you describe your race/ethnicity?
Have you ever participated in a jury research focus group before? If so, when, where, and what did it concern?
Political affiliation (Democrat, Republican, or other):
City you live in:
Marital Status:
Do you have children? If so, how many and what are their ages?
Highest grade level completed in school:
Place of birth (city/state):
Have you served in the armed forces of the U.S?
Who is your current employer and how long have you worked there?
Position or job title:
Have you ever been a party to a lawsuit, other than divorce?
If, yes then what kind of lawsuit?
Have you ever served on a jury?
What is the title of last book you read?
What magazines do you like to read?
How many times a week do you watch the news?
What is your favorite news channel?
How do you feel about personal injury lawsuits?