Vacancy expired!
Looking for caregivers for the following hours
7-4 pm $140
4-10pm $96 - perfect for college students!
10pm-7a $130
You are allowed to sleep at night.
When contacting please tell me which shift you are looking for and your experience.
Your responsibilities will include the following
- cooking basic meals. Knowing how to cook Filipino food is a plus!
- basic oral medication administration. Thorough on the job training with RN
- housekeeping
- laundry
- incontinence care
- compassionate care
Most of our patients and employees are Filipino so Tagalog speaking a plus!
Desired Qualifications:
Must be 18 years or older
Less than 1 year of experience OK
High school degree
- able to lift 50lbs (to assistance with wheelchair bound patients from bed to wheelchair or turning non-ambulatory patients during incontinence care)
When contacting please tell me which shift you are looking for and your experience.