Looking for part-time admin assistant to work in beautiful office setting.
Duties include:
Email correspondence
Internet research
Brainstorming sessions
Project development
Business errands
Spreadsheet creation
Letter dictation and typing
And other common office duties
Successful candidate must:
Must be trustworthy
Speak fluent English
Speak fluent Mandarin
Be well organized
Being an exceptional listener
With workable knowledge on:
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Other Microsoft office programs
Be willing to contribute ideas
Confident enough to communicate when something is not understood Friendly Personable Courteous And be willing to serve refreshments to clients Must show proof of US citizenship or legal US residency
$20 - $22 per hour to start
8 hours to 20 hours per week
Maximum five hours per day
Work time window 9 AM to 2 PM
Work in a prestigious Arcadia address
Coffee, beverages, and snacks provided daily
Past office administration experience is required and references will be checked.