Need a professional and punctual guard for a jewelry store located inside the Vintage Faire Mall in Modesto. Work will be conducted during store hours in the mall. Start date is next week.
Schedule availability is every Friday/Saturday and Sunday, or any other 2 days out of the week if we can come to an agreement according to the other guards schedule. Potential to add one more day in the future exists depending on circumstances.
Store is open 10 am to 8 pm, with an hour of unpaid lunch in those hours, sundays might end one hour earlier.
Pay is $20 an hour, plus overtime when applicable which will be $30 an hour, pay will be submitted on the 5th and the 20th of every month.
Pay is through payroll, W2.
You must have a valid guard card. You will be provided with a company shirt and patches. You must have or get your own vest (for security patches front and back) Post orders consist of maintaining a visual presence inside the jewelry store, monitoring shoppers, and performing any security related duty that the store staff needs help with.
Please text me or email me information about yourself including guard card info. A picture is recommended. Resume is recommended. I will not reply to “im interested” or “is position available”