Club Z! Tutoring is a national in-home and online tutoring company. We take pride in matching tutors with students based on individual needs and qualifications. We need dedicated Tutors/Teachers who would like the opportunity to do what they love - EDUCATE!
Immediate openings in N. Natomas, (Middle school math)
There are no lesson plans to write or homework to grade, so our Educators get to spend their time directly working with students.
Why work for Club Z?!
Work with students 1-on-1
There are no lesson plans to write or homework assignments to grade!
Flexible, part-time hours - afternoon, evening, weekend and summer
Competitive hourly rate
Professional development opportunities
We match you with clients!
What do we look for in a tutor?
LOVES Helping children!
Excellent communication skills
A friendly personality
Well groomed
Experience teaching the subject areas you wish to tutor
Reliable Transportation
Comfortable tutoring IN-HOME