Hiring an IHSS, Care Provider for a disabled, adult woman in a dog, friendly home.
The position is paid for through the County of Sacramento.
Hours are Part-time: TUES-WED.-THURS 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
-Provider needs to be comfortable around small and large dogs. The dogs rule the house. We just
do what they say.
-Provider will need to drive a safe and reliable car for errands and to drive client to medical appointments. Client will reimburse for mileage at the IRS medical rate.
-Provider needs to be IHSS Certified
-Provider should enjoy cooking and meal planning with client.
-Cooking Meals
-Running Errands, Grocery Shopping, and Driving to Medical Appointments
-Cleaning and Organizing
-Minor Personal Care
Preference will be given to:
-An applicant who is up to date on COVID-19 and Flu Vaccinations and who plans to keep up with Vaccinations as Available because the client is immunocompromised.
-An applicant who has a knowledge of Invisible Diseases (Invisible/Hidden Disabilities).
Please send your current résumé or your first and last name, phone number, email, and a short description of your relevant experience.
Please be sure you have included a phone number and email, so that you may be contacted.