Local General contractor looking for part time laborers.
We can work around school schedules (Sdsu, grossmont) or other work schedules, just need to be able to work min 4 hrs per shift, morning or afternoons. Mon-Sat
No experience necessary, but must have transportation (that means other than public transportation or bicycle) and able to pass drug and background ck.
We are also looking to add to our list of skilled trades people to work weekend or after hours workers in the following trades.
We need a skilled laborer in
Landscape const and maintenance for work every Sat.
Also need
Drywall hangers and finishers.
Stucco Journeyman small patch jobs (scratch, brown, color)
Mason who can set rebar and stack block.
Email resume or cover letter with experience (if any) and when you would be avail to work.
Also include cell phone # to contact you.