A real story, names changed. (Door-to-door experience required).
Joe is a canvasser that has been with us 11 months.
His job is to set appointments for our sales team. He goes door-to-door at newer home communities to set up free demos for water filtration services.
He works 7 hours, driving included, per day.
His old job was the same type of job, but he makes exactly 200% more than he made at his old employer.
He works less (7 hours versus 9).
His old employer micromanaged him and constantly under appreciated him. He likes it so much here he's brought 2 friends to work here.
His old job had a LOT of bad reviews on google. We have 5 stars.
If you want to work with a company that appreciates your effort and treats you like an adult, call us.
Call Bobby @ 858-717-6726.