Are you a coffee machine service technician who knows how to service barista operated coffee machines inside of businesses? If you are seasoned and want something more of out of life, we want to offer you a piece of every sale not just a paycheck. Although the advertisement here shows “San Diego” on the map, we service everywhere from South Bay to North County so feel free to apply wherever you live after reading this.
IF YOU DO NOT HAVE EXPERIENCE servicing or fixing coffee machines for businesses we can not train at this time.
We are a group in San Diego who owns multiple businesses and have the financial backing to take you to another level. It seems like asking for a coffee machine service tech is like asking for a rocket scientist these days! Your skills are hard to find. If you are tired of making a paycheck when you could be making a portion on every service + sale, please respond with the following: (You can simply type it back, no need for a resume)
Do you know how to service barista operated coffee machines inside of businesses?
How long have you been doing this for?
Do you have any certifications?
Do you own your own tools?
Do you have reliable transportation?
Lastly, a little about yourself including your name, contact number and best time to reach you
We want to offer you a proposition where you’re no longer just charging a service fee to customers and collecting an hourly rate as a paycheck from your company. We want you to make money on everything also. There is a real world out there and we want to speak to you if you have the experience. Again, we can not train at this time but if you are a seasoned pro, reach out to us. There’s lots for us to talk about and opportunities like this don’t come often!