Vacancy expired!
Looking for one additional Care Giver to try out focused on Home and Community Skills for T. T is 24 years old, Non-verbal, Autistic, Intellectually and Developmentally Delayed young man. Caregiver is needed for 8 hour shift on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Caregiver will provide Training in Activities of Daily Living, Trail Clean-up skills, Art Training set-up assistance, and Independent Living skills Training with the support and guidance of T’s parents based upon T's written goals. Applicants must have experience working with Non-Verbal Autistic or Intellectually and Developmentally Delayed individuals who use Sign Language or Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) Devices. T is non-speaking and uses modified Signs, Yes/No icon, and IPad software to communicate. T loves nature, art, and music. He is continuing his training to be an Abstract Artist, How to Take Care of Himself, How to clean his bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen. You will continue to train T how to correctly vacuum and mop his home environment to develop his Independent Living Skills.
Personal care and support at T's home and in the community including Independent Living Skills: Helping him Clean his bathroom, Clean his bedroom, Doing his laundry, Vacuuming the home, Moping floors, Cleaning in Kitchen, Teaching Basic Food preparation, and practicing Shopping Skills at the Safeway near his home.
Activities of Daily Living include helping him with Dressing, Grooming, and Toileting on a schedule. Health and Fitness activities include supervising Scooter Riding, Basketball, Neighborhood Hikes, Artist Training support, and Practicing Trail Clean-up work.
Support for community activities includes prepping T utilizing IPad and AAC software. Ensure T’s safety when crossing streets since he does not fully understand safety protocols and requires supervision. Facilitate daily routines and Augmentative Communication using AAC Device, IPad, Signs, and Yes/No card. Community outings to Safeway within walking distance for shopping and taking Bus to library and back while learning community integration skills.
You will have paid training and a rate of $36.33 per hour starting wage. Potential employees must have some type of knowledge and experience working with Non-Verbal Autistic or Intellectually and Developmentally Delayed individuals. You must have US Citizenship or Permanent Residency since you will be paid through a Disabled Self Determination Program (SDP) budget. You will fill out an electronic time card each day you work with T. You will fill out Scenarios to collect data when doing training activities that are already created for your use.
Employees are needed to cover 7 days a week.
Care giving Employees can work up to 8.0 hours per work day according to your individual schedule. Employees must live in the East Bay in Contra Costa or Alameda Counties from Martinez North, Hayward West, Livermore East, and Sunol South because of commute considerations. Maximum hours per week to start are 24 hours during trial period. We are in San Ramon in the Gale Ranch Community which is very nature trail and park oriented. You must be in shape for hiking and trail clean-up work. There is a fair amount of outdoor activities since T likes to play basket ball across the street at one of the two parks that are bisected by a nature creek.
Employment Fingerprints Background Check, First Aid Training, and CPR Training required. Family will provide gloves, masks, and sanitizer as needed in the home. There is potential in the future to work full time with employee benefits.
Please email your Resume with a brief summary of your experience with Autism and/or I/DD individuals and two references. We will review your qualifications and contact you to discuss the position and evaluate your candidacy for the next step which is a zoom meeting to meet T and the Family. After the zoom, we will evaluate you for a formal interview with T and his family at our home in San Ramon. If interested, you will be given a packet of employee information and activities: fingerprinting for background check and other documents required to be hired. We look forward to your communication, and we will try and accommodate the days and times you have available to work.