please read posting and instructions for applying carefully.
We are seeking a part time employment to join our team. Must be willing to work weekends - particularly Sunday approx 9-3pm.
Must love people and being a sales associate and front desk receptionist in a healing/health environment.
We provide red light therapy primarily. Training will be provided. must be able to speak confidently and clearly about the services and products and their benefits. must be confident and willing to sell memberships and packages and make recommendations. Must be willing to take body photos before and after for clients as well the body composition scale.
Must have a vested interest and some knowledge of alternative health and interested and able to make recommendations.
We are very close with our clients and building a warm and caring community environment is a high priority.
We also partner with other practitioner/businesses to provide chiropractic and massage in office.
Must be willing to work Sundays - other days needed are Mondays and Wednesdays with some flexibility.
please submit a resume and cover letter or you will not be considered for an interview.