Morning Baker 3:30-11:00 am shift
1. Responsible for morning bake
a. Must have all morning items baked by 6:30 am so orders can be packaged and delivered on time.
b. Must use production/bake list.
i. Also includes special orders for the day
ii. Bake cookies and other desserts for case as needed.
2. Must keep area clean and wash dishes, clean off prep table, wipe down equipment
3. Continue with prep for next day and rest of the week.
a. Should be able to prep 4-5 things in the remaining 3-4 hours.
b. Make sure mixes are prepared and items are prepped:
- Pie Dough, quiche shells, danish dough, scones, brioche, other toppings and fillings:
Streusel, apple pie filling, cream cheese filling, quiche filling, glazes, almond filling, almond syrup
4. Key skills required: promptness, efficiency, prior baking experience.