Hello, I am seeking part time assistance with my furniture restoration business. I have been getting more business than I can handle on my own and need some help to reach deadlines.
It's not a huge shop, but I have several workspaces, so we wouldn't be on top of each other. 800sq.ft.
Skills Required:
- woodworking basic skills
- sanding/finish removal
- painting
- clamping/glueing
- staining/color matching
- light repair
- sandblasting
- assist in delivery and pickup of items
Additional Skills, not required:
- metal work skills
- ceramic skills
- welding
- finish painting
- upholstery/sewing
Estimating 8-12 hours/week of steady work. As the business grows, I plan to offer full time employment with benefits.
Please reach out if you think this would be a good fit.