Small tax and bookkeeping office in Aurora 80014 area is seeking an experienced tax preparer for part-time seasonal employment. 1- 3 years experience required. Experience with small business returns, including rental returns a must.
Must have PTIN and a background check is required.
Preparer will have little or no personal client contact but will work on returns where tax info has been delivered to office either via drop-off or upload. Some bookkeeping experience and/or spreadsheet knowledge would be helpful. Applicant will also be expected to help double check returns and compare to prior year looking for missed information/changes, etc.
Preparer must be ethical, responsible, self-starting and respectful of client privacy issues.
Hours are flexible and applicant can work any time during our normal business hours. Expect at least 15-20 hours a week during tax season. No evening work past 6 PM.
This is an in-office position, not work-from-home.
Experience with FB posting or other SEO strategies would be helpful as we target specific clients or niches with tax info and/or strategies.
We are open year round so there may be opportunities to work outside of tax season.
Please respond with resume that details tax preparation experience and hours available.