WORK FROM HOME. 10AM-7PM Monday to Thursday, Fridays 10AM to 6PM.
These are the hours of work. If you can't work them don't apply.
Experience in Sales with Debt Help, MCA, Vacations, Cruises, Medicare, Any Telephone sales is an Asset.
$16HR plus shared commission with your team.
Start ASAP!
-You will Quality Assure and Verify new clients that are interested in closing their credit cards.
-The marketing company will Skype a deal sheet into the Skype Teams group and set call backs for our department.
-The client has already been qualified and closed on our fees. You will complete enrollment into our program assisting clients in closing their credit cards based on the clients direction because they cannot afford to pay their debt.
-Because these are telephone sales you will assist in the authorization of our fee on the clients credit card.
You must have:
-A Laptop or PC
-A Skype Account
-A Sales Background with Confidence
-Telemarketing Experience
-Be a Team player
-Excellent English Communication Skills
Monday to Friday paid the following Friday.